Which Program Do I Have?

LearnDoBecome offers a few versions of our Steps to Everyday Productivity Program plus a few additional offers. If you're not sure which programs you currently have in your account, they will all be listed inside your member's area. 

Login using your email address and password at https://my.learndobecome.com/login/ (If you've forgotten your password, check our article here to regain access).

Once you log in, click "Programs" at the top of the page, and you'll see everything in your account! The first one in the list will be the program you purchased. If you have any bonuses (free spouse access, free STEP Self-Study for a friend, etc.) you will see them listed as well. If you notice something is missing, or if you have two separate accounts at LearnDoBecome, please fill out the contact form letting us know all email addresses used and any other relevant details, so we can resolve this quickly!