Capture tool vs. Landing Spot vs. Inbox

Capture Tool

The place where you will record or “capture” ideas as they come in during the day or week. This could be a digital list, a notebook, or a sticky note that is then placed in your inbox (or noted in your Weekly Review materials) to be processed at a later time.

Landing Spot(s)

A landing spot is an intentionally designated place where information that comes into your life “lands.” This includes email, social media, voicemail, texts, papers, notes

Examples could be a spot on your counter, a tray in your entryway, a purse or wallet,

Items from your landing spots will be funneled into your inbox daily.


A paper tray you keep right on your desk or in a central part of your work space to collect incoming materials that need to be processed. This can also refer to your email inbox or a digital inbox.

Items are added here throughout the week as long as you are confident that they can sit until your next Weekly Review. If an item cannot wait until your Weekly Review, it does not go in your inbox.

Instead, you note the action on your calendar and place the item directly into the appropriate place in your STEP Command Central. (The Flowchart will help you to know where to put these items….)